Book Review: Desperation by Stephen King

Book #115 of 2016:

Desperation by Stephen King

Desperation is a decent Stephen King story, flavored with hints of Dark Tower connections but never really connecting with that other mythos. This novel features King at his scariest, but only for its first hundred pages or so, when it appears to be just about a deranged police officer jailing, attacking, and killing strangers who pass near his small Nevada town. It loses a bit of the terror when the threat is revealed to be a supernatural one of an ancient evil unearthed in the nearby mine, now possessing the cop and others to wreak havoc. The story that unfolds is a fine one, if a bit derivative of other King novels, but I can’t help but wish the author had just stuck with the original human horror instead of escalating the issue to a battle between good and evil.


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Published by Joe Kessler

Book reviewer in Northern Virginia. If I'm not writing, I'm hopefully off getting lost in a good story.

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