Movie Review: Attack the Block (2011)

Movie #25 of 2017:

Attack the Block (2011)

I’ve seen this movie a couple of times before, but this was my first time watching it since John Boyega and Jodie Whittaker’s careers have really taken off (him as Finn in the new Star Wars trilogy and her starting as the Thirteenth Doctor in tomorrow’s Christmas special). It’s easy to see, in hindsight, why they’ve both gone on to become such stars. And the movie holds up really well! Aliens being driven off by inner-city London kids is such a great set up for a movie to begin with, and it’s executed just about flawlessly. Plus it hides its low budget really well, especially with that ingenious and creepy creature design. Definitely one to seek out if you’ve never come across it before.


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Published by Joe Kessler

Book reviewer in Northern Virginia. If I'm not writing, I'm hopefully off getting lost in a good story.

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