Book Review: Someday by David Levithan

Book #225 of 2018:

Someday by David Levithan (Every Day #3)

This novel has a messier plot than the first book in its loose trilogy — as well as the second one, which retells that same story from a different character’s perspective — but it further fleshes out the world and provides some more fascinating what-ifs. There are new challenges facing the returning character of a genderless teenager who wakes up every morning in a different person’s body, along with some interesting glimpses of other people who share that condition. It doesn’t quite add up to a full-fledged society of body-thieves like Claire North’s excellent novel Touch, but it raises similar ethical questions and explorations of identity.

Compared to the first two books, this one focuses more heavily on issues of queer relationships and the online embodiment of self, which sometimes seems like a simple reflection of author David Levithan’s evolving interest in these topics rather than an organic continuation of the series narrative. The political environment also sure feels like 2018 (complete with equality marches and references to the musical Hamilton), even though the first book came out in 2012 and this one is set soon after. And for a story that generally revolves around teens overflowing with emotion, there are definite moments of dialogue that land unnaturally to my ear.

Despite all my nitpicking about this novel, though, I do really like it! The first book has stayed in my head for a long time, and after the next one largely treads water with the premise, this new sequel is a worthy follow-up. I’m really glad that Levithan has finally returned to the series, and that this volume wraps it up so well.

This book: ★★★★☆

Overall series: ★★★★☆

Book ranking: 1 > 3 > 2

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Published by Joe Kessler

Book reviewer in Northern Virginia. If I'm not writing, I'm hopefully off getting lost in a good story.

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