Book Review: The Magicians of Caprona by Diana Wynne Jones

Book #70 of 2020:

The Magicians of Caprona by Diana Wynne Jones (Chrestomanci #4)

Returning to a book from one’s childhood can sometimes be a letdown, but I’m pleased to report that this fourth Chrestomanci volume (in the author’s preferred reading order; actually the second to be published and roughly the fifth chronologically) is far better than I had remembered. There’s a strong Romeo and Juliet vibe to the Italian setting and its feuding noble families, and Diana Wynne Jones fleshes out the new worldbuilding with the same sort of amusing slice-of-life details that help make the Harry Potter titles so enjoyably immersive.

I do wish that the character voices of our two main protagonists were differentiated more — or that the perspective jumped between them less — and I still think the novel is weird for assuming an audience familiarity with the Punch and Judy puppet shows that play such a large role in events. But overall, this is another fun magical adventure livened by the chaotic household dynamics that Jones writes so well. I regret skipping it so often on previous passthroughs of the series.


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Published by Joe Kessler

Book reviewer in Northern Virginia. If I'm not writing, I'm hopefully off getting lost in a good story.

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