Book Review: The Blood Knight by Greg Keyes

Book #191 of 2021:

The Blood Knight by Greg Keyes (The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone #3)

Another strong fantasy adventure, following the returning heroes — by this point fairly scattered across the realm — as they navigate civil war, political intrigue, and unjust imprisonment amid the prophesied apocalypse still unfolding all around them. It’s the bleakest hour yet for this world, but author Greg Keyes never totally succumbs to the ‘grimdark’ ethos marking much of the modern genre. Even with the villain’s cruelty reaching new heights, the forces opposing him gain in might and capability as well, with their moments of triumph rendered all the more exciting for the steep odds against any ultimate victory in the larger scenario.

The narrative also remains interested in exploring the mysteries of the local history and lore that have been built up before now, and there are a few reveals on that front that are particularly satisfying. I don’t normally consider Brandon Sanderson a touchstone for this series, but I think this volume resembles his work in the magical systems that have deeper rules than is clear at first glance, with wickedly cool implications that surface fully only some time later. (And there’s at least one additional surprise coming in the final novel, from what I can remember.)

A few too many characters fall in love over the course of this book, which makes it harder to invest in any of their romances, but for the most part, it’s a thrill ride through and through. The action is excellent and the overall worldbuilding continues to impress, with cultural flourishes that speak to the writer’s background in academic anthropology. He’s really created an immersive environment for this tale, and I’m eager to revisit the culmination of everything ahead.

[Content warning for torture and rape.]


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Published by Joe Kessler

Book reviewer in Northern Virginia. If I'm not writing, I'm hopefully off getting lost in a good story.

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