Movie Review: Star Trek Beyond (2016)

Movie #14 of 2016: Star Trek Beyond (2016) This new Star Trek film feels exactly like a feature-length episode, which unsurprisingly works great as a showcase for the series. I think I still like the first movie in this new continuity the best, but Beyond is lightyears ahead of Into Darkness, and that’s really all …

Movie Review: Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)

Movie #13 of 2016: Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) I wanted so badly to like Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and I think it does have elements that work for it. I like that, coming ten years after the end of TOS, the film’s characters have actually aged ten years and some of them …

Movie Review: The Martian (2015)

Movie #12 of 2016: The Martian (2015) This was my second time watching this movie, but my first time since reading the book it was based on. (I normally like to read a book before I see its movie adaptation, but the waiting list at my library for this one was super-long, and I really …

Movie Review: Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Movie #11 of 2016: Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) This is at least the third time I’ve seen this film, and the initial thoughts I jotted down in 2015 still stand: “This is such a good movie on every level, from character to worldbuilding to plot to sheer pulse-pounding spectacle. I still have the film …

Movie Review: Ghostbusters (1984)

Movie #10 of 2016: Ghostbusters (1984) My wife had never seen Ghostbusters before, so her family insisted on fixing that. (She seemed to like it a lot, especially when Rick Moranis ended up having a bigger part than she initially thought he was going to.) As for me, I saw this movie all the time …

Movie Review: Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Movie #9 of 2016: Captain America: Civil War (2016) Simply outstanding. The last two MCU movies (Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man) left me somewhat cold, so it was great to see that Marvel hasn’t lost the magic altogether. The writers of this one did a great job at balancing such a large cast of …

Movie Review: Election (1999)

Movie #8 of 2016: Election (1999) Meh. This film kept popping up on those lists of “great stuff leaving Netflix this month” or whatever, so I finally got around to watching it… and did not care for it at all. Matthew Broderick’s character is a jerk and a creep, and the narrative only seems to …

Movie Review: Thor (2011)

Movie #7 of 2016: Thor (2011) I was only rewatching this film to look up the scene where Coulson mentions linguistics, but by the time I found it there were only about 20 minutes left, so I went ahead and finished. I feel like this is one of the less memorable MCU titles, and it …

Movie Review: My Fellow Americans (1996)

Movie #6 of 2016: My Fellow Americans (1996) This is one of those movies that my family watches ALL THE TIME. (Or at least, we did back when I was growing up. It’d been several years since the last time I saw it, though.) And as such, we quote it all the time. But my …

Movie Review: Deadpool (2016)

Movie #4 of 2016: Deadpool (2016) Overall I think this was about what I was expecting. Not that that’s a bad thing! Deadpool is very funny, very violent, and very meta – an excellent adaptation of the comic character, as far as I can tell. I particularly liked the ways in which the movie skewed …

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