Book Review: The Next Passage by K. A. Applegate

Book #58 of 2022: The Next Passage by K. A. Applegate (Animorphs Alternamorphs #2) Here is the nicest thing I can say about this second Animorphs choose-your-own-adventure title: it is better than the first one. (It’s not a sequel, though: the “you” before was another kid who was wandering through the abandoned construction site of …

Book Review: The First Journey by K. A. Applegate

Book #349 of 2021: The First Journey by K. A. Applegate (Animorphs Alternamorphs #1) I went into my adult reread of this choose-your-own-adventure Animorphs title with pretty low expectations, and yet it somehow still managed to disappoint. Who exactly is the audience here? The tone is more juvenile than the main novels, with lots of …

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