Movie Review: Midnight Run (1988)

Movie #2 of 2020: Midnight Run (1988) Another old favorite, and one which my family has seen so many times over the years that some of its choicest dialogue has long since entered our regular vernacular. (We even used to have a dog named after one of the characters.) This movie’s comedic rhythms are so …

Movie Review: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988)

Movie #2 of 2019: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (1988) I hadn’t watched this movie in many, many years, but it holds up better than a lot of comedies from that era. (The two lead characters are con men who prey on wealthy women, so there’s a slight degree of sexism, but the narrative undercuts them more …

Movie Review: Die Hard (1988)

Movie #23 of 2016: Die Hard (1988) Another old favorite that my wife hadn’t seen (and another “Christmas movie” in that it’s set around the holidays, although that’s honestly not such a huge part of the film). This is a classic for a reason, with great performances from young Alan Rickman and Bruce Willis and …

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