Book Review: Blackout by Mira Grant

Book #123 of 2018: Blackout by Mira Grant (Newsflesh #3) I’ve enjoyed Mira Grant’s bloggers-fighting-zombies trilogy far more than I ever expected to, but the plot in this final volume is pretty slow and coincidence-heavy compared to what’s come before. One character spends the entire first half of the book quarantined in a CDC hospital, …

Book Review: Deadline by Mira Grant

Book #153 of 2017: Deadline by Mira Grant (Newsflesh #2) Mira Grant’s bloggers-fighting-zombies novel Feed was a surprising amount of fun, but this sequel surpasses it in just about every dimension. Partly that’s because the team has matured, so they seem less like teens on Xanga and more like real investigative journalists, and partly it’s …

Book Review: Feed by Mira Grant

Book #124 of 2017: Feed by Mira Grant (Newsflesh #1) Once you set aside this book’s ludicrous premise – not the zombie uprising, but the idea that independent teen bloggers represent a trusted news source – it ends up being a lot of fun. The story is set several decades after the undead outbreak, and …

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