Movie Review: Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)

Movie #14 of 2022: Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Another Marvel feature that’s solidly entertaining in the moment but pretty disposable in the long-term franchise view. Leaning heavily on the space-rocker tone set by director Taika Waititi’s earlier Thor: Ragnarok, this sequel slides into the status of second-best Thor movie more or less by default. …

Movie Review: Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Movie #19 of 2017: Thor: Ragnarok (2017) By far the best Thor movie, and one of the better Marvel Cinematic Universe movies overall. Lots of humor, neat worldbuilding, and actual character growth for Thor and Loki! It could have done better by its female characters, but all in all it was a fun ride and …

Movie Review: Thor (2011)

Movie #7 of 2016: Thor (2011) I was only rewatching this film to look up the scene where Coulson mentions linguistics, but by the time I found it there were only about 20 minutes left, so I went ahead and finished. I feel like this is one of the less memorable MCU titles, and it …

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