TV Review: Classic Doctor Who, season 11

TV #12 of 2024: Classic Doctor Who, season 11 A true end of an era for this show, but unfortunately not one that finds it at its best. The current star Jon Pertwee makes his exit here, of course, but behind the scenes, the influential producer Barry Letts and his script editor Terrance Dicks (who …

TV Review: Star Trek: The Animated Series, season 2

TV #43 of 2016: Star Trek: The Animated Series, season 2 I really liked Star Trek: The Animated Series, even in this abbreviated second season. I think it’s for the same reason I’ve been enjoying finally getting into the Big Finish Doctor Who audio dramas: the cast brings the same energy and joy they do …

TV Review: Star Trek: The Animated Series, season 1

TV #39 of 2016: Star Trek: The Animated Series, season 1 I was expecting this show to be a pretty shameless cash-grab (kind of like 1975′s awful Return to the Planet of the Apes cartoon), but it ended up being a pleasant surprise. Yes, the animators sometimes take shortcuts like having a character’s face take …

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