Movie Review: Friday Night Lights (2004)

Movie #8 of 2019: Friday Night Lights (2004) Having now seen and enjoyed all five seasons of the fictionalized Friday Night Lights TV program, I wanted to check out this earlier film, which purports to tell a true story about an underdog high school football team. And maybe it’s not wholly fair to compare the …

TV Review: Friday Night Lights, season 5

TV #14 of 2019: Friday Night Lights, season 5 It’s hard to separate my feelings about that excellent finale from the rest of its season, but on reflection I think this last run of Friday Night Lights is maybe just a minor step down from the one before. I appreciate its focus on winning the …

TV Review: Friday Night Lights, season 4

TV #11 of 2019: Friday Night Lights, season 4 On a macro level, my biggest criticism of FNL thus far is that every season seems radically different from the one before it — and never in a way that feels especially organic or planned-out as part of a larger design. This year the program shifts …

TV Review: Friday Night Lights, season 3

TV #9 of 2019: Friday Night Lights, season 3 This season is a bit of a soft reboot for the show… which was arguably necessary after the trainwreck of melodrama the year before, but is still somewhat jarring for viewers. Several characters are in very different places — both plotwise and emotionally — than when …

TV Review: Friday Night Lights, season 2

TV #1 of 2019: Friday Night Lights, season 2 After a remarkably grounded debut season — one that I called “practically flawless” in my review — the follow-up for this high school football series tips way over from drama into melodrama. I can only imagine that network interference is to blame for the sudden tonal …

TV Review: Friday Night Lights, season 1

TV #49 of 2018: Friday Night Lights, season 1 It’s a real testament to the quality of the storytelling on this show that I’ve become so invested in the fates of its characters despite not caring at all about sports – let alone the high school football that this narrative is built around. But this …

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