TV Review: Star Wars Resistance, season 2

TV #84 of 2021: Star Wars Resistance, season 2 This batch of episodes is a marked improvement over the first, with main character Kazuda far less irritating now that he’s no longer juggling his poorly-disguised espionage missions with equally inept racing and mechanic work. I think that’s due partly to personal growth and partly just …

TV Review: Star Wars Resistance, season 1

TV #78 of 2021: Star Wars Resistance, season 1 The debut run of this Star Wars cartoon about the lead-up to The Force Awakens gets marginally better in its last few episodes, but for the most part, it’s a real exercise in frustration. Despite the title and the hero’s nominal role as a spy, the …

Book Review: Resistance by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Book #170 of 2019: Resistance by Jennifer A. Nielsen On the surface, this novel about teenage Jewish resistance fighters in Nazi-occupied Poland is a welcome piece of YA historical fiction, educating all ages about a lesser-known aspect of World War II. The characters are invented, but they are inspired by Jennifer A. Nielsen’s extensive research …

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