TV Review: The Good Wife, season 7

TV #41 of 2020: The Good Wife, season 7 The penultimate run of this legal drama petered out by the end, but this final year is somehow another big step down. On a scene-by-scene basis The Good Wife continues to bear a surface resemblance to the show it used to be, but the characterizations and …

TV Review: The Good Wife, season 6

TV #37 of 2020: The Good Wife, season 6 It was perhaps inevitable that The Good Wife would tumble from its near-perfect fifth year, but this following run is still a major disappointment. I actually don’t mind the first part of the season so much, although it’s very plot-driven compared to the program before, with …

TV Review: The Good Wife, season 5

TV #33 of 2020: The Good Wife, season 5 Although it peters out slightly at the very end, this is overall an electrifying year of television, boldly delivering on character and plot arcs that have been in motion since practically the pilot. The Good Wife has been plenty strong to begin with, but the momentum …

TV Review: The Good Wife, season 4

TV #28 of 2020: The Good Wife, season 4 There’s a lot that I enjoy in this run of episodes, from the trustee played by Nathan Lane to Alicia’s growing disillusionment with her firm’s management style (which really pays off next year, but is fun to watch build up gradually for now). Since the initial …

TV Review: The Good Wife, season 3

TV #24 of 2020: The Good Wife, season 3 The third year of this law drama is its best one yet, and not only because it finally acts upon the romantic will-they-won’t-they dimension that’s mostly lingered in the background subtext for the first two seasons. There’s also the smart writing decision to bring Eli’s crisis …

TV Review: The Good Wife, season 2

TV #20 of 2020: The Good Wife, season 2 This legal drama’s sophomore outing is even more fun and confident than its initial run, deftly mixing interesting weekly court cases with some enjoyable political intrigue (both in law firm maneuvering and the actual district attorney’s race). We do spend a little too much time on …

TV Review: The Good Wife, season 1

TV #14 of 2020: The Good Wife, season 1 The first year of this CBS legal procedural starts out a little clumsier than I remember, with a bit too much focus on the title character’s children and some of the main cast feeling just lightly sketched-in. But the cases (and judge personalities, a rarity for …

TV Review: The Good Wife, season 7

TV #23 of 2016: The Good Wife, season 7 The Good Wife’s seventh season was also its last one, which makes it hard to reflect just on this season and not on the show as a whole. (Especially when so many parts of the finale are pitched to mirror / echo moments from the pilot.) …

TV Review: The Good Wife, season 6

TV #7 of 2016: The Good Wife, season 6 Okay, there’s no getting around the fact that this season of The Good Wife was a major step down from season 5. Then again, practically anything would be – I’ve heard people call TGW season 5 one of the all-time great seasons of any television show, …

TV Review: The Good Wife, season 5

TV #3 of 2016: The Good Wife, season 5 I’m utterly gobsmacked by how amazing this season of television is. I loved the show to pieces already, but this stretch really elevates it to a whole new level. (I’ve already gone back and watched “Hitting the Fan” several times, and it works even better in …

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